KaBuKu World | 傾く世界 - Performance Making WS #4




KaBuKu World | 傾く世界 - Performance Making Workshop

“We're all kind of weird and twisted and drowning.” — Author: Haruki Murakami.

This workshop is for participants to explore the laboratory process of performance making. Yumi Umiumare will draw upon her unique diverse cultural influences and interdisciplinary approach​es, includ​ing, Butoh, cabaret, abstract theatre and her recent practices of ritual and spirituality. The participants will be taken ​on a journey to explore their own individual process to ‘find’ their own unique voice through creative expression.

This workshop includes,

> Guided warm-up
> Exercises for awakening the senses of body, mind, and spirit
> Laboratory process of conceiving/creating work as an individual and some ensemble work (with groups)
> Feedback and assistance ​on individual participants’ process by Yumi Umiumare

This workshop will use some visualisations, conversation and aims to be accessible to all bodies present. The instruction will be given according to participant​s' preference.


Schedule (subject to change)

Friday 1 April- Day 1
5:30 - 6:15 am - Registration, sign up, introducing each other
6:15 - 7:30 pm - Physical warm up and exercises
7:30 - 7:35pm - (5min break)
7:35 - 9:00pm - Exercise #1: Defining what to ‘create’ and ‘explore’

Saturday 2 April - Day 2
10:00am - 12:00pm - Exercise #2: Defining Ideas and Materials
12:00 - 12:45pm - Lunch break
12:45 - 1:00pm - Questions and Conversation
1:00 - 3:45pm - Exercise #3 : Exploring various Styles
3: 45 - 4:00pm - Discussion Q and A

Sunday 3 April - Day 3
10am - 12pm - Exercise #4 : Narrative/Non-Narrative and Transformation
12:00 - 12:45pm - Lunch break
12:45 - 1:00pm -Questions and Conversation
1:00 - 3:00pm - Exercise #5 : Make it up!!
3:00 - 4:00pm - Creation of a short work, discussion, Q and A, feedback & debrief

There is ​a plan for ​a public showing ​at the end of April 2022.(TBC)

Yumi Umiumare

April 2022
1 (Fri) 6-9pm
2 (Sat) 10-4pm
3 (Sun) 10-4pm

Visitor/Access Info

$330 Flat rate

*If you are a past ButohOUT! Ensemble, a special discount is avialble. Please contact
butohout@gmail.com for more details.

**Contact us if you are in financial difficulties or/and wish a payment plan

Before proceeding with your purchase, please read these Terms and Conditions carefully.

0478 634 052

Your safety is our priority

We take your safety seriously and have put in place the following COVID safety measures to ensure you are able to feel free and have fun whilst moving:

  • We will need to sight your certificate for double vaccination or medical exemption before the commencement of each workshop.

  • You must check in with Abbotsford Convent's QR Code each day.

  • The capacity of each session is 15 participants to ensure physical distancing and to comply with government directions (please note: we will continue to adhere to government restrictions, and will notify you directly if this affects this program);

  • We will open windows and doors for ventilation – you might need warmer clothes.

  • Please eat all food, and take breaks, outside whenever possible.

  • You are encouraged to bring your own water bottle as the site water fountains may be switched off to reduce contamination;

  • Markers and any other equipment will be thoroughly cleaned with disinfectant between each session; and

  • Wearing a mask is mandatory inside and when you cannot maintain physical distancing, unless you have a lawful exemption for not wearing one.

View the Convent’s COVID Safe plans here.