What is Butoh?
Butoh, 舞踏, originally called Ankoku Butoh (Dance of Darkness) conceived in Japan during the late 50’s and early 60’s, during the social turmoil after the war sought to find an expression through dance. Rather than aspiring to an aesthetic ideal, the dance attempts to expose the joys and sorrows of life, exploring the most fundamental elements of physical and psychological existence. It goes beyond the confines of specific cultures and aims for universal expression that touches the soul of humanity. It also crosses the boundaries between dance and theatre, creating a unique form of expression that engages, moves and intrigues.
Butoh (from Wikipedia)
(Photo: From the book titled ‘Kamaitachi’ by Eikoh-Hosoe)
Tatsumi Hijikata
Founder of the Butoh, Dance of Darkness
(Photo: Eikoh Hosoe - Kasuo Ohno 1980)
Kazuo Ohno
Co-founder of Butoh, started dancing Butoh when he was 40 and dance till 100 years old.
(Photo: From Dairakudakan Twitter account)
One of the oldest Butoh company, based in Tokyo. Yumi was the one of the members and came to Australia to perform with them at Melbourne International Festival, 1991.
(Japanese website)
(Photo: Mifumi Obata)
Yumi Umiumare
Born in Hyogo, Japan, Yumi is an established Butoh Dancer and choreographer from Australia. https://www.yumi.com.au/