Workshop Series

Weekend Workshop - Breaking the Dark Mask-


Butoh, Burlesque Theatre& Mask making with
Maude Davey, Willow J Conway & Pimpisa Tinpalit
facilitated by Yumi Umiumare

So you think you can’t dance?

We can all dance with hidden desire, making untold stories or shaping unknown masks in Butoh styles! This unique weekend workshop will guide participants to explore interdisciplinary elements in Butoh, through acting, burlesque and mask-making.

Workshop facilitator Yumi Umiumare  along-side three award winning guest artists, Maude Davey (Theatre director), Willow J Conway (Miss Burlesque Australia 2016/17), Pimpisa Tinpalit (Sculptor) will guide participants to search for and celebrate their own personal darkness, transforming this via positive catharsis and laughter, creating their own Australian Butoh-aesthetic.This is a one-of-a-kind workshop whimsically merging art with Butoh, theatre and visual arts and beyond.

Originally called ‘Dance of Darkness’, Butoh has had many idiosyncratic interpretations globally. In this workshop, participants have the rare chance to experiment with these concepts and work through diverse aspects of Butoh,

We will open individual unknown territories through ‘forbidden laughter’. The word for laughter in Japanese, warau 笑う comes from the verb wareru 割れる- to break, crack or split. These expert artists will guide participants to experiment with diverse facets and qualities of expression, exploring their individual darkness, lightness and laughter —cracking into the unknown and expanding the understanding of Butoh.

This workshop is open to participants from all artistic disciplines and levels of experience.

WHEN & Time
(Fri) 29 March | 6pm - 9pm (by Willow J Conway)
(Sat) 30 March |10am-5pm (by Maude Davey)
(Sun) 31 March| 10am-5pm (by Pimpisa Tinpalit)


Abbotsford Convent - INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL

Maude Davey
Pimpisa Tinpalit
Willow J Conway
Yumi Umiumare

$310/280 (plus $40 for the materials for the sculptures)


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a.【Give it try】- $600 value = $540/$510 
Weekly Butoh WorkShop + "Breaking the Dark Mask" WORKSHOP

b.【Dive in2 Weekends】- $600 value = $540/$510
“Breaking the Dark Mark” WS + Weekend Butoh Intensive Workshop

c.【Forbidden Laughter】- $850 value = $700/$670
All workshopS