Is Butoh Abnormal? | 2 - 23 Feb 2021
Collage: Jacqui Stockdale | Graphic Design: Monica Benova | Photo: Mathew Lynn
New Ab/Normal
Butoh is known to go against the grain….so is Butoh abnormal?
This is a weekly intensive workshop that will take participants on a guided journey to explore what makes you ‘move’ physically, mentally and spiritually.
Through the practice of Butoh we will uncover:
The basic philosophy of Butoh
Various Butoh exercises to sharpen our five/six senses
A creative expression of what we think is ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’
Balance and counterbalance through antagonistic tension and joy
How to choreograph Butoh using the tools of image, space and physical poetry
Butoh certainly encourages the dancer to break the rhythm and not to follow the music. Dissonance is appreciated, and even ugliness and perversity become nutrients. During this Corona-virus era, when it is difficult for us to understand exactly what is normal and not normal, Butoh is spreading all over the world and remains as elusive and unpredictable as the virus. Yet it offers us a beacon of hope within the darkness, like a momentary silence within the chaos, harmony within the dissonance, and peace amidst antagonistic tension. Butoh, which was born out of darkness, has been surviving in a paradoxical way, shining light in an era when the future is uncertain.
At the end of the workshop, participants will create and develop a short work under the guidance of the facilitator Yumi Umiumare.
Participants also may choose to show their work as part of ButohOUT! 2021 New Ab/Normal. This is an optional activity.
Your safety is our priority
We take your safety seriously and have put in place the following COVID safety measures to ensure you are able to feel free and have fun whilst moving:
The capacity of each session is 20-25 participants to ensure physical distancing and to comply with government directions (please note: we will continue to adhere to government restrictions, and will notify you directly if this affects this program);
Each participant will be provided with their own floor markers to mark out their dance space to ensure safe distancing;
The workshop area whilst outside will be demarcated for the duration of the event to ensure members of the public are aware and ensure physical distancing;
You are encouraged to bring your own water bottle and water as the site water fountains have been switched off to reduce contamination;
Markers and any other equipment will be thoroughly cleaned with disinfectant between each session; and
Wearing a mask is mandatory inside and when you cannot maintain physical distancing, unless you have a lawful exemption for not wearing one.
View the Convent’s COVID Safe plans here.
Yumi Umiumare
February 2021
2 (Tue) 6-9pm
9 (Tue) 6-9pm
14 (Sun) 10am-4pm
16 (Tue) 6-9pm
23 (Tue) 6-9pm
Visitor/Access Info
$270 Full / $250 Concession for all 5 sessions
Any 2 workshops = $50 discount
All 3 workshops = $75 discount
*Contact us if you are in a financial difficulties or/and wish a payment plan
Before proceeding with your purchase, please read these Terms and Conditions carefully.
0478 634 052